“The One That Got Away”: Myth or Reality?
Are you caught up about a previous love that you thought was “the one”? Plenty of people get swept up in this notion of meeting the perfect person and letting them go with lingering doubts about “the one that got away.” But in reality, it’s often far from the truth. Our intuition and instincts help veer us through life, often nudging us to do things that we don’t quite understand at the time. But the truth is whatever is meant to be will be, and things often happen for a reason. If you find that your thoughts keep drifting back over a previous love, here are some reasons to move on and let that myth go.
Things Happen For A Reason
It’s easy to get wrapped up in thoughts of self-doubt, wondering if you made a mistake letting your past love go. But in reality, plenty of people become blinded by their desire without the ability to really see clearly ahead. Love can be deceiving at times, often forcing us to see things that we want to believe. But simply put, if something is meant to be, it will be. And if it’s not, then it won’t.
Open Yourself Up To Someone New
Hanging on to past doubts and regrets will just keep you stuck in a rut which can prevent you from really being able to move forward. By shedding those attachments and insecurities, you can make room for something and someone new. Letting go is often what’s needed most to actually move on and realize that making a change can help open yourself up to the possibility of meeting the person you’re meant to be with.
Stop Holding Onto A Fantasy
A majority of people conjure up fantasy images and ideas of what their ‘perfect’ person should look and act like. But by doing this, you naturally set yourself up for disappointment when you create these embellished and even over-the-top notions of what “the one” should embody. Unfortunately, this is often far from the truth. Many times we don’t realize what we want until it appears and takes us pleasantly by surprise. So try to keep an open mind and step back from those fantasy expectations.
Refusing To Move On Will Only Hurt Yourself
By getting wrapped up in this myth, you’re only going to end up hurting yourself more. That’s why it’s imperative to do your best to move forward. Join a class, meet up with your friends more often, explore new hobbies, and get yourself out again and mingling with new people to keep your thoughts distracted so you can eventually move past it all and focus on what’s yet to come.
If you’re struggling to move past thoughts about “the one that got away” allow us to help. At Vaughan Relationship Centre, we offer a safe and comfortable space for you to find the right support and guidance to learn how to move forward in a healthy and positive way. Reach out to us today.